Passpoint & Roaming Solutions to Expand Cellular Coverage
Person running with mobile phone

Passpoint and Roaming

Mobile data traffic is skyrocketing – with no end in sight. Forward-thinking wireless providers are partnering with Boingo to meet coverage demands on home and roaming networks alike.

Improving your cellular coverage with Passpoint

For cellular carriers, leveraging Boingo’s Passpoint-enabled Wi-Fi footprint is an easy and quick way to expand coverage or relieve network congestion in highly-trafficked locations.

Add coverage in new, dense locations
At a lower cost than LTE solutions
Enable seamless delivery of services
Like Wi-Fi calling and the latest in technology
Improve your network’s performance
By leveraging Wi-Fi at existing locations

Boingo Passpoint Secure - Winner of the 2020 Fortress Cyber Security Award

Passpoint makes connecting to public Wi-Fi as secure and easy as connecting at home. With a Passpoint profile installed, customers can automatically connect at the fastest speeds available and surf securely with enterprise-grade encryption.

Boingo is the leader in Passpoint and roaming protocols.


Boingo developed Passpoint roaming standards from the ground up with carriers and wireless standards groups.


Boingo was the first wireless provider to bring Passpoint’s seamless roaming protocols to commercial venues.


Boingo holds roaming relationships with three of the four major U.S. wireless carriers.

“By rolling out Passpoint Secure to airports serving nearly half a billion passengers a year, Boingo is helping to advance the ecosystem for standards-based roaming and carrier data offload while maximizing the use of available spectrum.”

Peter Jarich
Head of GSMA Intelligence

Video showing how the Boingo Wi-Finder app works

Expanding your
Wi-Fi footprint

For ISPs, harness the power of our network and extend the reach of yours. Partner with Boingo to access our network of over 1 million global Wi-Fi hotspots that connect customers at premium locations including airports, hotels, coffee shops, retail stores, stadiums and more.

Growth goes both ways. Got your own network footprint you think could add value for Boingo customers? Let’s talk.

Today, Boingo is proud to partner with over 100 network operators across more than 100 countries to bring ubiquitous connectivity to customers around the world.

Partner Logos

“We’re committed to keeping our customers connected to the people, places and information that matter most, which is why we’re pleased that many of them can now seamlessly connect to Boingo’s global Wi-Fi during their travels abroad.”

JR Wilson
Vice President, Partnerships & Alliances, AT&T

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