Delta Center Deploys Public Safety DAS for Enhanced Security and Fan Experience

The Good Stuff

“People want to feel safe when they come to venues like this. They need to know that safety is our first priority and by utilizing technology we can take care of that.” 
Jim Olson - President, Utah Jazz and Larry H. Miller Sports & Entertainment


Connecting First Responders and Critical Communications

By Team Boingo
  • Case Study
  • 3 min. read

For over 30 years, Delta Center has served as the go-to sports and entertainment hub for Salt Lake City. The 18,000-seat arena is home to the Utah Jazz and hosts iconic concerts and events, including the 2023 NBA All-Star Game. 


Fan health and safety is a top priority for Delta Center. For critical situations, it is imperative that first responders such as police, fire and medical personnel can communicate effectively via a reliable wireless network to coordinate an immediate response. 


Boingo designed, installed and manages a public safety Distributed Antenna System (DAS), which operates specific radio frequency (RF) bands allocated exclusively for public safety communications. It operates alongside the commercial DAS, which boosts cellular coverage for fans and staff. 


The DAS networks provide Delta Center with a converged communication solution. First responders can effectively communicate with one another during an incident while fans enjoy a seamless mobile experience.