Roaming & Carrier Offload - Boingo Wireless, Inc.

Roaming & Carrier Offload Let Your Customers Roam on Our Network

Supplement your mobile data strategy with more than 1,000,000 hotspots around the globe to enhance your existing network. Whether you need additional capacity in the most congested areas or desire cost-effective means of delivering expanded global data roaming options, Boingo can provide regional or worldwide options.

Roam on Our Network

Satisfy Your Customers’ Mobile Data Needs

Today’s consumers have high expectations when it comes to wireless service. With the growth of Wi-Fi enabled devices, coupled with user demand for ubiquitous wireless connectivity, global Wi-Fi roaming and offload partnerships are more important than ever for mobile network operators (MNOs).


  • 1,000,000+ premium locations
  • Over 100 operator partners in 100 countries across 6 continents
  • First Wi-Fi provider to launch a public Passpoint network
  • Passpoint networks in 25 airports in the U.S. offer seamless Wi-Fi authentication for carrier offload

Roaming Partners


Expert Perspectives on Boingo’s Roaming & Offload Solutions

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Roaming & Carrier Offload

Find out how to expand your roaming footprint with our global network of hotspots. Contact Us

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